Top-rated 5-star tree service in Mount Pleasant

Tree service, tree removal, tree pruning in Mt. Pleasant
Tree service, tree removal, tree pruning in Charleston
Tree service, tree removal, tree pruning in Mt. Pleasant
Tree service, tree removal, tree pruning in Charleston
Treeminator is a small, low overhead, owner operated venture. This allows complete control over the project and ensures that the work is done thoroughly, as specified, at very competitive rates.
The trick is to perform the challenging tree work without damaging any surrounding structures or landscaping. Treeminator has never had to make any repairs nor insurance claims on a customer's property. Insured through Western World Ins. Co. policy #NPP1488585
Treeminator boasts an impressive 5-star rating on Thumbtack and a 4.92-star rating on Home Advisor. Appreciative homeowners repeatedly rely on Treeminator and generate continual referral business. Thanks, folks! "I'll be back."
2019 Thumbtack Award
I submitted the winning bid for this removal project, based on the Google street view which made the tree appear to be much smaller than it actually was. I arrived to discover that a man-lift was required but I hadn't bid enough to absorb the rental cost. Oops! Using ingenuity and sheer determination, I managed to git 'r done without a man-lift.
This 75-foot bad boy posed a particular challenge, because of the three unshielded power lines situated just a few feet from it.
One of the tree's main upper sections has separated from the trunk and impacted the roof, hard enough to cause damage. Tree decay is the culprit.
Large backyard sycamore slated for removal. The homeowner hates the fallen leaves, along with the prospect of a storm felling the tall tree onto the house.
The homeowner finds this backyard tree to be a nuisance, as well as a threat to the home. Treemination has been ordered.
I bid way too low on this job! I had removed a threatening branch from it, the previous year, but had mis-remembered the tree's considerable size when I quoted the removal price, over the phone. Oops! The show must go on.
This repeat-customer's view-blocking 55-foot pine overlooks a golf course water hazard which borders his back yard. The trick is to disassemble it without losing portions of it in the drink.
I was tasked to remove a badly decayed tree in my neighbor's yard. It consisted of a twenty-five-foot trunk, almost entirely branchless, except for a few scraggly long branches projecting skyward from its top. I proposed to simply fell it, but I first had to de-branch the pathetic tree, so those branches wouldn't become ensnared on nearby trees and fall in the wrong direction.
But before I set my extension pruner blade on the tree, I spied this raccoon, precariously situated at a height of about forty feet, grasping one of the tree's two lifeless branches. Not wanting harm to come to the critter, which must have been residing in the hollowed-out portion of the upper trunk, I tried to persuade it to climb down, in my best raccoonese elocution. But the poor little guy seemed too terrified to move.
Time was of the essence. There were more tasks to be done in my neighbor's yard, in advance of a big backyard party she was hosting, in two days. Hoping the dislocated creature would soon descend, I raised my long extension pruner and removed the other branch emanating from the tree top. Still, the critter remained.
A real eye sore and a serious hazard, this dead specimen has been disintegrating and dropping branches for some time.
One of my favorite regular customers has fifteen crepe myrtles adorning either side of his lot. He hadn't had them thoroughly pruned, before I first got my hands on 'em. They were burdened with a mess of intertwined, entangled, extraneous growths, from top to bottom, but not since!
The branches of this oak are nearly making contact with the roof of the homeowner's neighboring home, on the left. In a wind storm, they could easily inflict damage. Plus, as with most trees around these parts, it's overgrown with extraneous branches and suckers (epicormic shoots) and needs a thorough haircut.
Treeminator can assess your tree situation, at no charge, and quote you a very affordable price. No problemo.
Monday - Saturday: 8am - 6pm
Sunday: Closed
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